Donor program: Sperm / Egg / Embryo

Who is a Sperm Donor?
When the cause of infertility is due to low sperm count or distorted sperm structure, donor sperm can be used for fertilisation with a healthy egg in IVF.
Even single parents, especially single mothers, can opt for donor sperm to undergo anIVF procedure and achieve a successful pregnancy.
Therefore, you should have proper information about sperm donation before you opt for it for your IVF procedure or search for sperm donors near you.
What is IVF with Egg Donor?
When a couple is faced with the problem of conceiving their own child in a natural way, assisted reproduction methods come to their rescue.
Often, IVF ” In Vitro Fertilization” or ICSI “ Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection” under medical supervision solves these problems. But what if there is no way to get normal eggs from the future mother? In this case, donor eggs are suggested by fertility experts. Egg Donor refers to a person (woman) donating her eggs to an infertile couple to help them conceive a baby. Since this is a medical procedure, it requires an intensive process to ensure that there will be no complications that could endanger the people involved in Donor egg IVF.
What is Embryo Donor?
The transfer of an embryo resulting from male and female gamete, not taken from the recipient and/or her partner is known as IVF with embryo donation. It is also referred to as a type of third-party reproduction.